Infighting, is earth humanity's a serious mental illness. 明争暗斗,是地球人类的一种严重心理疾病。
More than half of male inmates and roughly two-thirds of female inmates have symptoms of a serious mental illness. 超过半数的男囚和大约三分之二的女囚有严重的精神疾病症状。
Affected with contagious diseases ( i.e. tuberculosis ) or who have suffered serious mental illness; 传染病(例如肺结核)或严重精神病(SMI)患者;一些严重病人可能具有极强的传染性。
Premature birth may increase the risk for serious mental illness in adolescence and young adulthood, a recent study reports. 最近一项研究发现,早产可能会增加个体在青春期和成年早期患精神疾病的几率。
Rich Dietman : Talk about serious mental illness for a minute, and depression, anxiety & things that go beyond just an occasional sad day or two. 谈一谈严重的心理疾病,压抑和焦虑,那些超出了偶尔悲伤一两天的情况。