Asked if they were better off in a free-market economy, 73 % of Germans and67 % of French said yes, according to a survey released in June by Pew Research Centre. 6月,皮尤研究中心公布的一项调查指出,当被问道他们的生活在自由市场经济中是否会更好时,73%的德国人和67%的法国人的回答是“会”。
A French answers," yes, I would use the money to buy red wine and bread ". 一位意大利人回应:“会,我会用那笔钱来购买意大利粉及芝士”。
French unemployment remains stubbornly high, the country rejected the EU constitution despite his plea for a " Yes " vote and Paris lost the2012 Olympic bid. 法国的失业率居高不下;尽管他高声呼吁法国民众在欧盟宪法公决中投赞成票,法国人还是拒绝了欧盟宪法;巴黎在申办2012年夏季奥运会的竞争中再次败北。
After looking at her, as if the sound of even a single French word were slow to express itself to him, he answered, in his former strong foreign accent. " yes, madame, yes. I am english!" 他看着她,仿佛这个法国字也费了他好大功夫才听懂,然后带着刚才那种强烈的外国调子回答道,“是的,太太,是的,我是英国人。”