When I became governor, he left his teaching position at Ouachita(OUA) University to work for me. 我当上州长后,他放弃了沃希塔大学的教职来为我工作。
It was right across the street from Ouachita(OUA) Hospital and adjacent to Hot Springs High School. 学校就在沃希塔医院对面,与温泉城高中相邻。
He died in the relatively new Ouachita(OUA) Hospital, where Mother worked. 他是在比较新型的沃希塔医院去世。
We proceeded to laugh in delight and call our friends and family from the romantic floating docks surrounded by the beautiful Lake Ouachita(OUA). 我们喜悦地大笑,并打电话给我们的亲朋好友(在美丽的沃希托湖周围浪漫的浮动码头上)。