Strategies Research on the Interaction of Teacher and Students in Online Teaching and Learning 网络教学中促进师生交互的策略研究
Chapter 3 is the text of priority, is based on the basic process of online teaching and learning to analyze and study the ability of online teaching ability structure. 第3章是全文的重点,是基于在线教与学的基本过程的分析和研究来对有关在线教师的教学能力进行了分析和梳理。
In this paper, the main question is to explore and research the strategies which are using to promote the quality of interaction in online teaching and learning. 本论文的主要研究问题是探索和研究促进网络教学中师生交互的有效策略。
Online teaching and learning is now a major approach in open and distance education. 网上教学是远程开放教育的主要形式。
Online course is the class teaching 、 extracurricular 、 learning content 、 target system and overall programs and processes of all kinds of online teaching and learning that performance via network. 网络课程就是通过网络表现的课堂教学、课外学习的内容和目标体系,以及网络教与学的各种活动的总体规划及其进程。