Using the company's Security Knowledge Manager(KM) technology on mobile devices allows organizations to monitor and control live video surveillance cameras and receive alarm and event data remotely. 通过应用该公司移动设备上的安全知识管理技术可以远程实时监测和控制视频监控摄像机和接收报警事件数据。
The effective ways are as follows : Firstly, Management for development and utilization of knowledge resources must be strengthened, knowledge manager must be set; 其有效途径为:一、企业要加强对知识资源开发和利用的管理,设置知识主管;
This thesis discusses a multi-agent technology-based UMC framework for implementing the service composition approaches. It includes service composition engine ( QComposer ) designing, service register designing, customer agent designing and knowledge manager designing. 本论文研究了UMC的执行框架,该框架基于智能多主体系统技术,其中主要包括服务组合引擎设计、服务注册中心设计、客户主体设计和知识管理主体设计。
Intelligent agents such as task-driven and event-driven miner, user assistant, and knowledge manager are used to build a novel DSS framework which have good group decision making support capacity. 本文通过运用事件驱动和任务驱动式数据挖掘器、用户辅助器和知识管理器(KM)等人工智能体,来构建支持群组决策流程的新颖架构;
A Fuzzy Method for Evaluating the Ability of Knowledge Manager(KM) 知识管理者能力的一种模糊多指标评价方法