Thin capitalization is currently a more subtle way to avoid tax both internationally and domestically. 资本弱化是当前国际国内避税的一种更隐蔽的行为。
After the new leaders of the Taiwan region assumed office, on the one hand, they tried to avoid and obscure the one-China principle and, on the other, they practiced the so-called " flexible diplomacy " internationally. 台湾地区新领导人上台后,一方面回避、模糊一个中国原则;另一方面在国际上大搞所谓“柔性外交”。
It is an illusion to think that one can avoid the line of fire, or claim exemption from the effect of forces that smash and grind against each other internationally. 谁要是认为可以免于引火上身,谁要是说可以免遭全世界各种互相倾轧的势力的冲击,那是自欺欺人。