A quasi-random step frequency signal with discontinuous bands is presented to improve the system bandwidth while avoiding the heavy interference bands. 为避开干扰频段能够提高系统带宽,本文采用了一种频带不连续的准随机跳频信号。
Maximum sidelobe suppression for quasi-random step frequency signal and its neural network implementation 准随机跳频信号最大旁瓣抑制及其神经网络实现
Operating in the heavy congested SW band, HF radars use a quasi-random step frequency signal to avoid the interference bands. 高频雷达工作在电磁环境十分恶劣的短波段,为避开干扰严重的频段,采用一种准随机跳频信号。
A Novel 2-D Signal Processing Scheme for Quasi-Random Step Frequency Signal 准随机跳频信号的二维处理