To provide more insight into these issues, they studied the effect of oophorectomy prior to menopause onset. 为更深入的了解这些问题,他们研究了绝经开始前卵巢切除的影响。
Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy or oophorectomy can reduce the incidence of breast cancer in BRCA mutation carriers. 单纯保乳术不适用于BRCA相关乳腺癌,应该考虑行双侧乳腺切除或保乳术联合双侧卵巢切除。
And of course women who have had both their ovaries removed ( bilateral oophorectomy ) during their reproductive years will undergo immediate menopause. 当然移去双侧卵巢(双侧卵巢切除术(OOX))的妇女在生育年龄将引起直接的停经。
Of or relating to the menopause. Oophorectomy(OOX) combined with exemestane treating advanced refractory breast cancer 卵巢切除联合依西美坦治疗绝经前激素受体阳性晚期难治性乳腺癌
CONCLUSIONS In women receving bilateral oophorectomy estrogen therapy must be started as early as possible to prevent osteoporosis. 结论为防止骨质疏松症的发生,该类患者应尽早进行激素替代疗法。