The big unknown, says David Wilkinson of Liverpool John Moores, is how long ago and how gradually hominids lost their body hair. 利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学的戴维威尔金森(davidwilkinson)表示,最大的疑问是:人类是在多久以前以何种方式逐渐脱掉体毛的。
One big hedge fund shareholder, David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital even sold off his shares last week due to the issue. 作为雅虎大股东的对冲基金GreenlightCapital的创始人艾因霍恩(DavidEinhorn)上周甚至因为此事卖掉了所持的雅虎股票。
Shares of homebuilding stocks have surged 49 % on average in 2012 in anticipation of the big rebound, according to UBS analyst David Goldberg. 瑞银分析师(UBS)戴维•戈德博格指出,2012年来住宅建筑商的股价已平均上涨了49%,人人都在期待大复苏的出现。
If that piece of the plane is that big, maybe it's the tail section said David Gallo, one of the leader of the search for Air France Flight 447, which crashed in the Atlantic Ocean in 2009. 曾经共同领导2009年法航447航班搜寻的大卫加洛说,考虑到马航失联客机机型庞大,这些疑似碎片有可能是机尾部分。法航447在2009年坠落在大西洋。
To some degree, this is understandable, says Caulfield : Government research entities have little interest in funding big studies on the efficacy of, for instance, the bird-poop face cream used by David and Victoria Beckham. 考菲尔德认为,某种程度上来说,这是可以理解的:政府研究部门几乎没有兴趣资助大型研究去试验大卫贝克汉姆和维多利亚贝克汉姆用的鸟屎洗面奶效果怎么样。