Draw on the client window by holding the left mouse button down and dragging a line. 通过按住鼠标左键并沿直线拖动,在客户端窗口中绘制线条。
" Oh, the stories I could tell to the boys!" she cried, and then Peter gripped her and began to draw her toward the window. “啊,我有那么多故事可以讲给那些孩子们听!”温迪喊道。彼得抓住了她,把她拉向窗口。
Use poster board to draw a static background, usually a window frame. Any number of animations can be added whereas the mesh remains constant. 使用白板纸来画静态背景,经常是窗口的帧。网格的容量不随动画帧数量的增加而改变。
The draw function emits the geometry to the display window, and update implements the SIR rules. draw函数将这种几何分布发到显示窗口,update实施这些SIR规则。
Using the Processing model, the draw function calls update to apply the rules; upon return, draw emits the updated space to the display window. 使用Processing模型,draw函数调用update以应用规则;返回后,draw将这个更新了的空间发到显示窗口。