Please consult on-line help for security implications of using remote control commands. 有关使用远程控制命令的安全问题,请参阅联机帮助。
Hopefully the on-line help will explain the setting up of the soundcard etc. 希望在线帮助(OLH)将能够解释诸如如何设置声卡的问题。
On-line help, a feature not offered in many products at this time. 联机帮助,当时很多产品都没有提供的这种特性。
Improving the opening of the system, on-line help users master the principle in short time. 系统提供界面友好的在线帮助(OLH),增强了系统的透明性,使用户可以在短时间内掌握系统的运行原理。
Describes how to develop the on-line help system for doctor CAD system and brings forward some general principles of designing such a system. It also gives the main idea of the design process. 针对博士CAD系统中帮助系统的开发进行了理论上的研究,提出了设计在线帮助(OLH)的一般性的原则,重点探讨了设计过程中的主体思想。