One major source of boot firmware that isn't designed for MS-DOS is Open Firmware. 不是为MS-DOS设计的引导固件的一个主要分支是OpenFirmware。
The world would be a better place if x86 vendors started using Open Firmware by default. 如果x86供应商缺省开始使用OpenFirmware,这个世界将变得更加友好。
Open Firmware is probably the most hacker-friendly BIOS-style widget out there. OpenFirmware对黑客来说可能是界面最为友好的BIOS风格控件。
The basic input / output system ( BIOS ) is the Open Firmware, which is written in a variant of Forth. 基本输入/输出系统(BIOS)为OpenFirmware,是用Forth语言的一个变种编写的。
Open Firmware's big advantage is that it's " write once, run anywhere ": a device with a boot ROM for Open Firmware will run just fine on any Open Firmware system with a bus that it can plug into. OpenFirmware的一大优点是它是“一次编写,随处运行”的:使用OpenFirmware的引导ROM的设备只能在具有安插这些设备的总线的OpenFirmware系统上正常工作。