Design for monitor and early warning system based on data from national occupational diseases report database 基于职业病报告数据的监测预警系统设计
These industries project promise and jobs for the future, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Occupational Information Network database. 据劳工统计局和职业信息网络的数据显示,如下这些行业的就业在未来是充满希望的。
Objective By introducing Shanghai occupational health management database and quality control and process evaluation during the establishment of occupational health archives to probe into the working methods and existing problems. 目的通过介绍上海市职业病预防控制信息管理系统及工业企业职业卫生建档阶段质量控制与评估方案,探讨工作方法及存在问题。
Methods Through introducing the contents and function of Shanghai occupational health management database, the experience in the period of establishing the occupational health archives and the method of quality control and evaluation were summarized. 方法介绍上海市职业病预防控制信息管理系统的内容及功能模式,总结上海市工业企业建档工作经验及质量评估结果。
For those people, we took a look through the Occupational Information Network ( ONET ), a U.S. Department of Labor database of detailed information on hundreds of occupations, to find high-paying jobs where math skills aren't important. 为了给这类人找到不太看重数学能力的高薪职位,我们浏览了职业情报网(OccupationalInformationNetwork,简称ONET),这个网站上有美国劳动部收集的各种工作的详细信息数据。