Oakland university only then built 1883, it is New Zealand opens professional and most university. 奥克兰大学始建于1883年,是新西兰开设专业最多的大学。
Thus, the exchange between the people of China and New Zealand is of great significance. Under such background, the establishment of New Zealand Research Center at Peking University provided an ideal platform for enhancing the understanding between the two peoples. 于是,中新两国人民之间的交往就显得尤其重要,而北大新西兰研究中心的建立又恰恰为中西两国人民的相互了解提供了完美的平台。
Originally from New Zealand, Robbie graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. Robbie最初来自新西兰,获得了了约翰霍普金斯大学的数学和计算机科学双学位。
She retired to her native Dunedin, New Zealand, where she graduated from the University of Otago. 她退休后回到了新西兰的Dunedin,在这里她从Otago大学毕业。
During my time in New Zealand, I completed High School, and University. 我毕业于新西兰坎特伯雷大学。