She was recruited by Tencent, the internet messaging and games company. 她被互联网通讯与游戏公司腾讯录用了。
The latest innovations in Internet messaging with native support for all the major Internet standards 互联网消息传递方面的最新创新是对所有主要互联网标准的原生支持
And as Facebook runs into an increasing number of regulatory hurdles here, the scrutiny could potentially distract the company from its ambitions of becoming a one-stop shop for Internet messaging, online publishing and digital advertising. 随着Facebook在欧洲遭遇越来越多来自监管方面的障碍,这些严密审视可能会分散公司对提供包括网络即时通讯、在线出版和数字广告在内的一站式服务的注意力。
Among them, Wechat, as a typical representative of the mobile internet instant messaging product, not only brings the enormous social value and spread value, but also contains a very considerable commercial value. 其中,微信作为移动互联网即时通信产品的典型代表,不仅拥有巨大的社会价值和传播价值,同时也蕴含着极其可观的商业价值。
BlackBerry users all over the world were left without Internet and instant messaging capabilities for days as RIM struggled to fix the problem. 在宕机期间,全球黑莓用户不能使用互联网和即时通讯服务达数天之久,期间,RIM公司努力尝试修复该问题,但未果。