Northwest University established Audio-Visual Education Room, Gao Rumiao as the office head, and offered Audio-Visual Education courses. 西北大学设立电教室,由高汝淼任室主任,开设电教课。
Walk two blocks northwest, take a left at19th, then you 'll find the post office. 向西北走过两条街,在19道街向左拐,你就找到邮局了。
Northwest travel notes, mainly refers documentary records written by the persons, during the time when they in the Northwest area for the purpose of mission, survey, inspection, tourism, visiting relatives, business or office, and so on, in all the times. 西北行记,主要是指中国历史上各个时代的人物自内地到西北地区出使、考察、视察、旅游、探亲、公干或任职等时所留下的纪行文字。