I was all set to give a presentation at the Naval War(NVW) College in Newport. 我被安排在位于纽波特的海军军事学院做报告。
But if we go that far back into the past, we have to start talking about the war between Rome and Carthage, or the British-Spanish naval war. 但是,如果我们追溯到久远的从前,就得开始谈论罗马和迦太基之间的战争、或者是英国和西班牙的海战(NVW)。
At the naval war college, it was metallurgy and nuclear reactors. 海军战院教治金学与核子反应炉。
He added that the move was ironic given that senior US and Chinese naval officers were next month planning to attend a conference at the US Naval War(NVW) College in Newport, Rhode Island, on maritime transparency and co-operation. 他补充称,考虑到美中高级海军军官计划于下月出席在罗得岛新港美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)召开的一次会议,探讨海事透明度及合作问题,(中方)此举颇具讽刺意味。
Living in a world in which undeclared aggression, There was overwhelming opposition to empowering him to wage a declared naval war. 绝大多数人反对授权他进行不宣而战的海战(NVW)。