He's got his life savings stashed away in an old suitcase. 他把一辈子的积蓄保藏在一口旧箱子里。
The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings. 公债认购者获得高于储蓄的利息。
Before they got married he had no savings, despite having worked for more than six years. 在他们结婚前,尽管已经工作了六年多时间,但他一点储蓄都没有。
They got carried away by this wind of savings to investment, this idea that financial wizardry is the thing of the 21st century. 她们迷失在这种从储蓄转向投资的风气中,认为金融巫术是21世纪的特征。
We've got current account and fixed account for individual savings. 我们有活期和定期两种个人储蓄帐户。