Obtaining sufficient capital to operate at fully efficient scale is reshaping ownership in cooperatives. 获取有效资金高效规模化运营是合作社所有权的再分配。
Easy-to-clean chamber is fully insulated for efficient temperature transfer, and corrosion-resistant to ensure a long, useful life. 易于清洁的箱体内部有着很好的隔热、防腐蚀性能。
On the other hand, the City of Future fully embodies an efficient and intensive us of land and reflects the bustling and aspiring morphological feature of a modern business office area. 未来之城充分体现集约高效的土地使用效率,展现现代商务办公区繁荣向上的形态特征。
As both the enhancement of technology innovation and technology innovation output transformation need the support of the financial system, a fully functional, efficient and stable financial system will be built as a support in order to safeguard their sound development. 而技术创新能力的提高及技术创新成果转化为生产力都离不开金融体系的支撑。为了保障其健康发展,需要一个功能完善、高效稳定的金融体系作为支持。
Effectively utilize fiscal policy measures, fully utilize financial capital, take the role of market mechanism, and fully dig energy efficient potential in building field. Realize the general macro economic benefit including social benefit and environmental benefit, general energy efficient aims and energy sustainable development. 有效运用财政政策手段和合理利用财政资金,发挥市场机制作用,充分挖掘建筑节能潜力,实现包括社会效益和环境效益在内的宏观经济效益,实现节能总体目标和能源可持续发展目标。