A frame element provides a consistent place for a diagram's label, while providing a graphical boundary for the diagram. 当为图提供图形化边界时,一个框架元件为图的标签提供一致的位置。
The frame element is used as a basis for many other diagram elements in UML2, but the first place most people will encounter a frame element is as the graphical boundary of a diagram. 在UML2中,框架元件用于作为许多其他的图元件的一个基础,但是大多数人第一次接触框架元件的情况,是作为图的图形化边界。
In addition to providing a visual border, the frame element also has an important functional use in diagrams depicting interactions, such as the sequence diagram. 除了提供一个图形化边框之外,用于图中的框架元件也有描述交互的重要的功能,例如序列图。
In this paper, the stiffness matrix and the loading transfer matrix of frame element with turn elastic connections is deduced, the cross shear effect has been taken into consideration simultaneously. 作者推导了具有转动弹性连接的杆单元刚度矩阵和荷载转移矩阵,其中考虑了横向剪切效应。
This paper presents the finite element formulation of frame structures with distributed piezoelectric sensors and actuators. The piezoelectric stiffness matrix and dielectric stiffness matrix of a frame element are derived. 重点阐述了含压电传感器和执行器的复合结构框架有限元模型的建立过程,导出了压电框架单元(FE)的压电刚度矩阵和介电刚度矩阵;