All new employees are required to attend the induction training, and must pass the exam before starting working. 所有新进人员必须参加公司要求的新员工入厂培训,通过考试合格后方可正式上岗试用。
Ensures that induction training programmes in relation to Health and Safety are being carried out. 确保进行相关的安全健康入职培训(IT)。
Ideals and Expectance & Analysis of Questionnaire on Induction Training(IT) of New Teachers in 2008 理想与期待&2008年新教师入职培训(IT)调查问卷分析报告
Organize orientation / induction training programs in conjunction with the HR Manager. 协助人力资源经理完成新员工入职培训(IT)。
The program explains to the inductees that the process of their selection is based on special requirements and that induction training is crucial to their future success. 课程的选择是基于专门的需求,实习课程对将来的成功有决定性的影响。