When the compressor stop, the float chamber liquid level, float valve is completely closed. 当压缩机停车时,浮球室液位下降,浮球阀完全关闭。
The paper introduces the sensing principle and measuring procedure of a new type of liquid level sensor-fibre-optical liquid level sensor with float, and analyses in detail the process of measured signals. 本文向大家介绍一种新型液位传感器&浮子式光纤液位传感器的传感原理及液位测量过程,同时对测量信号的处理作了详细的分析。
Liquid Level Measurement of Fibre-optical Liquid Level Sensor With Float 浮子式光纤液位传感器的液位测量
Taking the practical production into consideration, the superiority of the replacement of displacement-type float liquid level gauge by torsion-type float liquid level gauge is analysed. 文中结合生产实际,分析了将位移式浮筒液位计更改为扭力式浮筒液位计优越性。
Effect of Low Liquid Level Control on Vaporization Loss in Float Roof Tank 分析浮顶罐低液位控制对于蒸发损耗的影响