Northern Kentucky(NKY) is likely to get snow mixed with sleet. 肯塔基州北部可能有雨夹雪。
That's exactly what an immigrant family in northern Kentucky did, says Joe Stambush, chair of the public education committee of the Kentucky Firefighters Association. 这正是在美国肯塔基州北部的一个移民家庭所做的,肯塔基州的消防员协会的公共教育委员会主席乔·斯塔姆布什说。
This new study was led by a team of researchers including Cecile A.Marczinski from Northern Kentucky(NKY) University, and compared alcoholic energy drinks to just regular alcohol consumption. 该项研究是由包括北肯塔基大学的CecileAMarczinski在内的研究小组进行的,并把含酒精的能量饮料跟规律性饮酒作了比较。
A river that rises in southeastern Kentucky and flows westward through northern Tennessee to become a tributary of the Ohio River in southwestern Kentucky. 发源于肯塔基州东南,向西流经田纳西州北部,最后在肯塔基州西南成为俄亥俄河的一条支流。