Communication agent accomplishes communication between client and server by TCP / IP network communication protocol and platform independent data communication protocol; 通讯代理采用TCP/IP网络通信协议以及与平台无关的数据通讯协议来实现客户与服务器之间的完全通讯;
This paper introduces a fast automatic redundancy backup method for one kind of internal dual-switch network, which is independent to STP / RSTP protocol and verified in lab and onsite application. 本文针对一种平面独立的内部双交换机冗余网络,设计了一种实用的不依赖生成树协议(STP/RSTP)的快速智能冗余切换的方法,通过实验室及现场应用验证了该方法的有效性。
We carry out a three layers network subsystem structure that is protocol independent layer in kernel, protocol dependent layer in kernel and user level protocol stack. 论文提出了一个三层网络子系统结构:内核级协议无关层、内核级协议相关层和用户级协议栈。
SAN ( Storage Area Network called SAN ) is independent of the high-speed fiber optic network storage network other than the server network system, This network uses high-speed Fibre Channel as the transport body, To FC protocol for storage access protocol. 存储区域网(storageareanetwork简称SAN)是指独立于服务器网络系统之外的高速光纤存储网络,这种网络采用高速光纤通道作为传输体,以FC协议作为存储访问协议。
Telecom management network is an independent network which logically separate to telecom network. In order to control and operate telecom network, telecom management network should communicate with telecom network via a standard interface which includes communicational protocol and information model. 电信管理网是一个逻辑上与电信网分离的网络,它通过标准的接口(包括通信协议和信息模型)与电信网进行传送和接收管理信息,从而达到对电信网控制和操作的目的。