During Qianlong's Reign, he standardized Manchu in person and put forward orders to implement, which is called " New Qing Language by Imperial Order ". 乾隆皇帝在位期间,亲自规范满语并颁发上谕加以推广,此即钦定新清语。
The " New Qing Language by Imperial Order " in Qianlong's Dynasty ( 9th ) 乾隆朝钦定新清语(九)
He puts up new concept of the teaching purpose, methods, contents, etc, and discriminates against the imperial examinations, which embodies the features of Teachings of Order broadcasted by college education. 朱子在书院教育的目的、教学方法、教学内容等方面提出新的思想,并以此区别于官方的科举应试教育,体现了书院教育以传播理学思想为宗旨的特征。