To our office at a lower per capita capital stock and lower output per capita. 使我国处在一个较低的人均资本(PCC)存量与较低的人均产出。
Given the rates of population growth and capital depreciation unchanged, new investment will dominate the growth rate of per capita capital and economy. 给定人口增长率和资本折旧率保持不变,新增投资将主导着人均资本(PCC),进而决定着经济总体的增长速度。
The calculating results show that the growth rate will be slow down when the per capita capital goes up. 应用此单部门动态模型计算出中国经济各年可能到达的增长速度。
The modifiable parameters are " intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption "," consumption growth rate per capita "," capital share "," technological progress "," social average depreciation rate " and " natural growth rate of population ". 可调控参数分别为消费跨期替代弹性、人均消费增长率、资本份额、技术进步速率、社会平均折旧率、人口自然增长率。
One of the most conditions that Hebei will have realized a great - leaped development of e-conomy is to go up to a new terrace in the reserve of per - capita capital. 河北省实现经济跨越式发展的一个重要条件就是省内人均资本(PCC)存量跃上一个平台。