But there are still some difficulties and challenges when applying Item Response Theory based Computerized Adaptive Testing shown as below : the selection of IRT models; the choice of estimating algorithm based on the selected Item Response Theory model; the strategy of the Computerized Adaptive Testing. 但是基于项目反应理论的计算机自适应测试的实际应用中也存在一些挑战和难点:项目反应理论的参数模型的选择;参数估计算法的选择;选题策略的制定等。
The sample shows the links to the latest topics in the selected category in response. 范例在选择的类别中显示了对最新话题的链接。
After you've answered all the questions, add the numbers you selected for each response to obtain a final score. 回答完毕所有问题之后,把每个问题的得分累加一下,就是你的最后得分。
The site is divided according to soil layer thickness and Site partition, and grids division is done, several representative bore-holes in each subarea are selected for one-dimensional response analysis, enlargement effect under different intensities is got. 3. 根据土层厚度和场地类别进行场地分区,并进行网格划分。然后在每一场地分区内,选取若干个典型钻孔,进行一维土层非线性地震响应分析,得到了不同强度地震输入下地表的放大效应。
Through factors analysis, important factors were selected, and response model was constructed. The analog result was relatively satisfied. 选取较容易测得的重要因素,建立蒸发蒸腾量的气象因子响应模型,模拟结果较为满意。