This trace option requests that the specified value ( which must be a signed integer ) be treated as a system error. 该跟踪选项要求将指定的值(必须是一个有符号整数)当作一个系统错误来处理。
A32-bit signed integer that defines how long a thread is to wait. 定义线程等待时间的32位有符号整数。
Unfortunately, the Standard permits an implementation to make all of the integer types the same size, and that complicates the rules for when a signed integer type meets an unsigned integer type. 不幸的是,标准允许实现使得所有整数类型都是同样的大小,这使一个有符号整型遇到一个无符号整型时的规则变得复杂了。
Defines a default and list of valid values for a signed integer property 为一个已签字的整数属性定义一系列默认的有效值