On the Natural Join(NJ) Operation of the Nested Relational Data Model 嵌套关系数据模型中的自然连接(NJ)运算
Therefore, the true architect isn't Painter, they are social and natural scientist, the true architect must join in the revolution, they are revolutionary of architectural culture. 真正的建筑师不是画图匠,是自然科学家,是社会科学家,真正的建筑师要投身于革命,是建筑文化的革命家。
Thirdly, this paper analyzes the algorithm of implementation for each tunnel, and then improves the existing algorithm to make the joining of roadway more natural. It mainly uses Bezier curves to join the tunnels together. 对各个巷道段的实现算法进行了分析研究,对现有的实现算法进行改进,使巷道的拼接更加自然逼真,拼接时主要采用贝赛尔曲线。
The Soviets stole natural resources and man power from these countries, so why would they want to join Russia in any Union. 苏联从这些国家偷走了自然资源和人力,所以他们怎么会想加入俄罗斯的联盟呢。
However, just like SQL provides a natural syntax to express table-joins in queries, XQuery provides an intuitive ( at least to SQL users ) way to join sets of XML nodes. 但是,和SQL提供了在查询中表示表连接的自然语法一样,XQuery也提供了一种直观(至少对于SQL用户而言)的方法连接XML节点集。