The time period I mentioned this morning showed the top and low points of the whole day. 今早我提到的时间周期在全天的行情中演绎了全天的高点和低点。
The coupling of high-low jet induces high divergence area overlaying on the top of low convergence area, consequently leading intense ascending movement. It provides the condition of deep convection development and promotes the formation and maintenance of mesoscale system when heavy rain occurs. 高低空急流耦合使高层辐散区迭加在低层辐合区的上方而产生强烈的上升运动,为深对流的发展提供了条件,促进了暴雨时中尺度系统的生成和维持。
Through treating hearth freeze accident used of blasting method combined with effective regulation of top and low of blast furnace the normal furnace condition can be recovered only two days. 采用爆炸法处理炉缸冻结,并配合有效的上、下部调剂,仅2d就恢复了正常炉状,效果良好。
For petioles, the ammonia nitrogen content was high in the top and low leaves at flourishing flowering stage, and low in the middle. 叶柄中氨态氮含量在盛花期上部叶和下部叶含量高,中部偏低;
I reached the top of a low hill and looked around. 我爬到一座小丘的顶上,四下望着。