The Conclusion summarizes the thesis by pointing out that Nathanial(NAT) Hawthorne can be considered a writer ahead of his time by touching upon the loneliness theme in the 19th century and using skillful symbols for loneliness. 结尾部分重申:从19世纪起,霍桑就开始探讨孤独主题,而且他在作品中创造性地使用了许多象征手法来表现该主题,所以说他是一位超越时代的作家。
The novel ″ The Scarlet Letter ″ is the masterpiece of Nathanial(NAT) Hawthorne, the well known romantic novelist of America in the 19th century. 《红字》(TheScarletLetter)是十九世纪美国著名的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(NatharntalHawthorne)的代表作。