Based on these goals, place yourself in the role of the interviewer and develop anticipated questions and answers to three categories : company data, personal data, and specific job data. 在明确这些目标的基础上,将自己设想为面试你的人,在以下三个方面为自己设想出一些问题以及这些问题的答案:公司数据,个人,有关某份工作的特定。
You have anticipated the questions they might ask and have prepared some great answers. 你已经为面试官可能会问到的问题准备了充分的答案。
But instead of receiving the anticipated inquiries about the transmission, Audi was flooded with questions about the toy. 不过,这个广告并没有达到预期中宣传传动系统的效果,奥迪却收到无数关于那个娃娃的询问。