Merchandise sales are the most common source of income related to an artists ' brand, says a report from the future of music organization. 音乐未来组织发布的一份报告声称,商品销售是与一位歌手品牌相关的最常见的收入来源。
Li Yuan is specially played Fa Qu Palace music organization, it have one piece music orchestra that is huge. 梨园是专门演奏法曲的宫廷音乐机构,具有一支庞大的丝竹管弦乐团。
The magic, the music, the organization of the UEFA Champions League, it is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a coach in his career, and it is equally special for the teams that participate. 作为教练员,在其执教生涯中有幸参加具有魅力、音乐和高效组织的欧冠联赛是一件极其美妙的事情,这对参赛队伍也是同等重要。
The framework for music language which reflects music in terms of organization, structure, style and the traditional standard of music is a good focus of attention for understanding music. 音乐语言陈述结构是作品分析技术中微观结构的核心,是音乐语言组织结构,是曲式结构形成的基本要素,起到以小见大、承上启下、互融贯通的作用。
Shows that community members participate in community music activities through the organization of the cultural needs and cultural integration of balancing requirements. 显示出社区成员通过组织参与社区音乐活动的文化整合需求与文化平衡要求。