The notes are issued below par, but with no coupon. 这些票据的发行价低于票面价值,但没有票面利息。
They are like commodities such as barrels of oil & there is no coupon and you are taking a bet on their future price. 债券就像一桶一桶的石油那样的大宗商品&没有票息,你只是押注于它们的未来价格。
For instance, if dividends to common stockholders were stopped, holders of hybrid securities risk being left with debt Zombies : uncalled bonds paying no coupon. 例如,如果停止向普通股股东派息,混合型证券持有者将面临只剩下僵尸债务未赎回的零息票债券的风险。
If you have a bricks and mortar store and no online presence, the email may help more people find their way to your shop – particularly if you include a money-s a ving coupon in the email. 如不美观您是一个实体店没有网店,电子邮件可以辅佐更多人找盗档您的体例-出格是如不美观你的电子邮件中附带一个省钱的优惠券。