The Karachi Fish Harbour(FH) Authority has announced that all fishing vessels based at the harbour must ensure that their holds have been modified to ensure a high standard of hygiene for fish cargo. 卡拉奇港口管理部门已经宣布到港的所有渔船都必须更新其船仓,以保证他们的鱼货物达到较高的卫生标准。
Outdoor cafe, kauppatori ( fish market ) on the harbour. 渔人码头上的户外咖啡座。
The first inkling the British had of the thirteenth-century Mongol invasion of Europe, for example, was when the price of fish at Harwich, a harbour on, the North Sea, rose sharply. 比如,蒙古13世纪入侵欧洲时,英国就先有察觉:北海港口哈维奇(Harwich)鱼价急剧上涨。
Pelagic fish eggs and larvae in Xiamen harbour and its adjacent waters 厦门港及邻近海域的浮性鱼卵和仔、稚鱼