The difference in the horizontal and vertical factorial moments is compared and studied using Monte-Carlo simulation. 用蒙特-卡洛模拟方法对纵向阶乘(!)矩和横向阶乘(!)矩进行了比较和研究。
Laboratory study on the effective stress of low-permeability sandstone rock was carried out using the modified factorial design program. 采用了修正的析因设计方案,对低渗透致密砂岩进行了有效应力方程的实验研究。
The paper studies the determinants of capital structure basis on the factorial analysis. 运用因子分析方法研究了影响资本结构的主要因素。
The data section holds the value we want to compute the factorial of in a space labeled number. 数据部分在标记为number的空间中存放有我们所要计算的阶乘(!)。
After computing the factorial, you now want to print it out using printf. 计算了阶乘(!)之后,现在需要用printf将其打印出来。