No transcript will be accepted directly from the applicant. 还是和自己申请资料一起交,会不会不被学校承认啊?
If it is found that there is any cheating, violation, or fake documents, the admission will be canceled, the student status will be revoked, and no transcript or diploma will be issued. 所持之证件如有不实或不符规定或变造之情事,经查属实即取消入学资格,并注销学籍,亦不发给任何有关之学分证明或毕业证书。
You no longer need to save a chat to print it, and when you print a chat, everything included in the chat transcript is included, such as time stamps and system messages. 打印时不再需要保存聊天,当打印聊天时,聊天记录中包括的所有内容都会打印出来,比如时间戳和系统消息。