Today I have done a multiple choice questions, I am sorry! 今天我又做了一道选择题,对不起!
You answered the multiple choice questions in a pattern. 你选择题做的很有规律嘛。
The test will consist of multiple choice questions, quantitative problems, short answers and longer essays. 考试的形式有选择题、定量分析题、简答题和论述题。
One consulting firm required candidates to complete an application, provide writing samples and answer a series of multiple choice questions over the Net. 一所咨询公司要求应聘者在网上填写一个申请表,提供写作例文并回答一系列多项选择题(MCQ)。
Preferential elimination system of counting Accordingly, in the case of multiple choice questions, the student should be aware of the following. 按选择次序淘汰点票制所以参加多项选择题(MCQ)测验时,学生必须注意下列几点。