Through the study of Honeypot, this paper endeavors to design a school network security system based on initiative protection, to realize its core technology, and to test its function. 本文通过研究蜜罐、防火墙和入侵检测等技术,紧密围绕蜜罐的关键技术开展研究工作,提出并设计了一种基于主动策略的校园网络安全系统,并在校园网络中部署蜜罐系统。
The research results can be combined for all colleges and universities to establish the specific characteristics of our school sports security system, to reduce or avoid the occurrence of sports safety, and promote the healthy development of PE to provide a useful reference. 上述研究成果可为各高等学校结合本校具体特点建立学校体育安全保障体系,减少或避免体育安全问题的发生,促进高校体育专业的健康发展提供有益的参考。
Therefore, how to build a solid school network security system in those higher education institutions becomes a question that should be given priority and tackled immediately. 因此,作为高等院校如何构筑可靠的校园网络安全体系,成了当前高校急需考虑的问题。
Meanwhile, this paper also provides effective experience for the research on the campus security management in other regions, and makes a contribution to the establishment and complement of school security prevention and management system. 同时,为我国其他地区校园安全预防管理研究提供有效的经验,进而为建立健全完备的学校安全预防管理体系做出一点贡献。
Abstract the Copenhagen school is a school of critical security study that offers a new system of security theory in response to the expanding scope of security issues since1980s. 哥本哈根学派是批判的安全研究中的一个分支,它针对80年代以来安全议程的扩大提供了一套较为系统完整的新的安全理论。