The figure illustrates Campus A and Campus B.We 'll focus on Campus A, but B is present to demonstrate that you can handle multiple campuses and authorize access for one campus only. 该图列举了校园A和校园B。我们重点说明校园A,但是介绍校园B是为了演示可以处理多个校园,并仅授权访问一个校园。
In this scheme, a group of original signers can authorize a group of proxy signers, and only the cooperation of all signers in a proxy group can generate group-proxy multi-signature. 在这种方案中,多个原始签名人授权于多个代理签名人,只有多个代理人合作才可以代表多个原始签名人生成签名。
Those interests, I contend, authorize the subjection of individual spontaneity to external control, only in respect to those actions of each, which concern the interest of other people. 我认为,在关乎他人利益的每个个体的行为上,是这些永恒利益让个体的自发服从转变成了外在的控制。
At the request of the beneficiary, we authorize you to release the documents to the applicant against payment of ( amount ) only. 应受益人要求,我行授权贵行凭开证申请人按(金额)付款而向其放单。
I entrust and authorize you to handle this matter, cost is deducted in this capital, you need to tell me how much it cost only. 我委托并授权您办理这件事情,费用在该项资金内扣除,您只需告诉我需要多少费用。