Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange(AO), used to defoliate Vietnam. 越南战场上用于毁灭林区的“橙剂(AO)”,其成分是二氧杂芑。
US soldiers absorbed Agent Orange(AO) through the skin, or in water they drank. 美国士兵经由皮肤和饮水中吸入橘剂。
Agent orange is a powerful defoliant. 橙剂(AO)是一种强效落叶剂。
Vietnam is beginning a joint operation with the United States to remove traces of the toxic defoliant Agent Orange(AO). 越南开始与美国联合开战清除有毒的橙剂(AO)(AgentOrange)污染残留的行动。
In these cases, he granted summary judgment for the defendants despite plaintiffs'tender of expert testimony linking Agent Orange(AO) with health effects. 在这些案例中,他批准了对被告人的即决审判,不顾原告提供的专家证据,这些证据都能证明药剂橙和影响健康后果之间的联系。