Baoji, abundant in natural resources, ranks top in China with its lead, zinc and coal reserve. 宝鸡自然资源富集,铅锌等金属及煤炭储量居全国前列。
At last, modal analysis of the coil is conducted, natural frequency of the top 10 bands of the BCC coils is obtained, provide a reference for its design and manufacture. 最后对线圈结构进行模态分析,得出了BCC线圈前10阶的固有频率,为其设计与制造提供一定的参考。
Almost anywhere would be better : the stairwell is a natural auditorium, so that top gossip and angry rants to the plumber can be heard several floors away. 几乎任何地方都比楼梯间合适:楼梯间可是个天然报告厅,那些顶级八卦和对管道工人的愤怒咆哮上下几层楼都能听见。
The results also show that conditional rain rate is the natural exponential function versus cloud top temperatures. 进一步的分析表明,条件降水强度与云顶温度之间存在自然指数函数关系。
The attenuation rule of natural γ rays passing through top coal of varying thickness is proved in theory and in tests. 从理论上和实验中证明了天然γ射线穿过顶板不同煤皮厚度具有一定的衰减规律。