Construction of Laboratory Quality Management(LQM) System of Analytical Chemistry 分析化学实验室质量管理(LQM)体系的建立
According to the requests for laboratory quality management of geological laboratories and accreditation for laboratories, the general information system for both geological reference materials and standard methods has been established. 根据各地质实验室的特点和质量管理规范需求,结合实验室认可及检测实验室能力的需要,建立了地质调查通用标准物质和标准方法信息系统。
The article discussed about the clinical laboratory quality management and results inter-accreditation. 探讨了临床实验室质量管理(LQM)与检查结果互认问题。
Secondly, the establishment and operation of laboratory quality management system, the main quality management from the program management and technology, in the process of application of quality control chart, t-test, regression analysis and so on. 其次,建立并运行实验室质量管理(LQM)体系,主要从程序管理和技术上进行质量管理,在此过程中运用质量控制图,t-检验,回归分析等统计分析工具。
Then, beginning with quality management system and process quality control, applications of statistical analysis method, the author investigated the current situation and organized and summarized main problems in laboratory quality management. 接着,从实验室的质量管理体系和过程质量控制情况入手,运用统计调查分析法,对实验室的检验质量管理现状进行了调查,认真整理和归纳了实验室存在的主要问题。