The method is discussed of solving general equation of motion for an electron in the mixed field which is pro-duced by the combination of the electromagnetic focus field and the electrostatic deflection field. 讨论了磁聚焦和静电偏转复合场中有关电子运动方程的求解方法。
When security incident happened, how to remove dangers rapidly and minimize the loss? There is an urgent need for a compact, portable neutron detector that especially can be used in the strong gamma ray-neutron mixed field. 一旦出现安全事故,如何尽快的排除险情,将损失降到最低?此时就迫切需要一种体积小巧、便于携带、特别是能够在强伽马射线一中子混合场(MF)中使用的中子探测器。
The pairing extrapolation ionization chamber for ( n, γ) mixed field dosimetry 用于(n、γ)混合场(MF)吸收剂量测量的成对外推电离室
A new TLD for personnal dosimetry in n - γ mixed field n-γ混合场(MF)监测用的新型个人剂量计
Advancement of absorbed dose measurement in ( n,γ) mixed field & the relative neutron sensitivity κ _u of u dosimeter with a low sensitivity to neutron (n,γ)混合场(MF)中吸收剂量测量的进展&中子不灵敏剂量计的相对中子灵敏度kU