Replaced leading whitespace to first line indent. 用首行缩进替换了段首空格。
Style sheets provide rich control over the size and style of a font, the margins, space before and after a paragraph, the first line indent, justification and many other details. 样式表提供了对字体大小以及样式、扉页留白,段落前后的空格,首行缩进,对齐以及其他很多细节信息的丰富控制。
Each blank line, indent, and space between braces takes up at least one extra character that doesn't actually need to be in the file for correct parsing of the CSS or JavaScript code. 每个空白行、缩进和括号之间的空格至少占用一个额外字符,这对于CSS或JavaScript代码的正确解析来说实际上并不需要。
Enter for a new line, then press Tab to indent in to the activity level. 另起一行,然后按Tab键来将其缩进到活动级。