Our work suggested that FMI and DSI log and general log data are useful in the analysis of the effectiveness of reservoirs in Yingshan formation and Yijianfang formation in Tahe Oilfield. 应用FMI、DSI和常规测井资料对鹰山组和一间房组进行储层有效性分析是一种较为有效的方法。
It particular tells us the calculate methods and the interpret model formula of the log reserves parameters. Besides some general interpret models, the systems offer the interface of user-defined model program. 对储层参数的计算方法及解释模型公式进行了详细的阐述,软件系统除了提供常规的测井解释模块外,还为用户自定义解释模块程序提供系统接口。
According to their mutual information, phrases are extracted from the log and they are combined with a general dictionary to construct a topic-specific dictionary. 利用互信息从用户查询日志中提取短语并与通用词典相结合构建主题式词典。
By increasing the seismic sampling density, and adopting the log standardization and precise strata calibration, the general resolution of seismic data was increased while the ambiguity of inversion decreased. 通过提高地震采样密度、测井曲线的标准化和精确层位标定等提高了地震资料的综合分辨率,降低了反演多解性;
Web log ( Blog ) develops from a kind of general web diary at the very beginning to the current phrase of blog-specialization, in which varieties of blog modeling come into being. 博客从最初的一概而论发展到了一个类别细分的阶段,各种各样形式的博客模型应运而生,这为人们创造了更多的发布言论和传播思想的平台。