How to correctly price new house is one of topics that many experts, scholars and practitioners in real estate industry studied. 如何科学地进行房地产销售定价是许多专家、学者、房地产业内人士研究的课题之一。
In setting price for new products, the first thing we must take into account is costs. 制定新产品的价格时,首先要做的事情是我们必须考虑成本。
Why pay the high price of new? 为什么要花高价去购买新的呢?
Oil price set new records, trading above US $ 140 per barrel briefly before retreating. 石油价格创出了新纪录,在短期内曾以每桶140美元以上的价格交易,但之后稍有回落。
The hype over sovereign wealth funds continues to rise as the oil price hits new highs. 随着油价创下新高,围绕“主权财富基金”(swf)的炒作也持续升温。