Nowadays, changeable consumer food behavior prone to a low carbohydrate diet. 当今,多变的食品消费行为更趋向于低碳水化合物(LC)食品。
An excessively high rate of usage combined with low carbohydrate stores reduced his endurance, even at relatively easy running speeds. 过度高比例的消耗再加上低存量降低贤哥的耐力,即使用轻松跑的速度也一样。
Bee Yong Joon made good use of the Low Carbohydrate(LC) diet method, which becomes very popular in the State. 裴勇俊式的低卡路里菜单,现在美国甚为流行。
CONCLUSION : The diets with high fat, low carbohydrate and high dietary fiber can effectively reduce the levels of blood glucose and improve the nutritional status of the patients with hyperglycemia after craniocerebral injury. 结论:高脂肪、低碳水化合物(LC)、高纤维膳食能有效降低颅脑损伤伴高血糖患者的血糖水平,改善?
The glycemic index of foods contained low carbohydrate and high diet fiber 低糖高纤维类食物的血糖生成指数