PDL is a method which is widely used for software detailed design in CASE. PDL是在CASE中使用得非常广泛的一种软件详细设计(SDD)方法和工具。
Second, it introduces the development of the system in detail, mainly consists of system requirements analysis, business analysis, software detailed design and system test. 其次,对系统的开发进行了详细的介绍,主要包含系统需求分析、业务分析、软件的详细设计及系统测试。
The first part of the paper describes the background and theoretical foundation of knowledge; the first functions of the second part of the systems overall design, and then carried out both hardware and software detailed design. 第一部分介绍研究背景和理论基础知识;第二部分首先进行系统的总体功能设计,然后分别进行了硬件和软件两方面的详细设计。
On the design and implementation of the software detailed design tool js-pdl / c 支持软件详细设计(SDD)工具JS-PDL/C的设计与实现
This paper introduces seven kinds of frequently-used representative software detailed design tools, and gives some comparison rules for software developers to use when selecting these tools. 本文介绍七种常用的有代表性的软件详细设计(SDD)工具,并给出一些准则把它们作一比较,以供软件开发人员选择时参考。