The system remembers ordering done with the drag-and-drop action ( or the use of the Alt + Cursor Up(CU) and Down shortcut ). 系统将会通过拖拉操作而记住这种排序(或者使用Alt+CursorUp和Down快捷键)。
Within this view, you can use your mouse cursor to drag items ( or use Alt + cursor up or down ) to set an order for the work items ( which Jazz will remember ). 在本视图下,您可以使用鼠标指针来拖拉项目(或使用Alt+向上或向下的游标),来为工作项目设置一个命令(Jazz将会记忆这些指令)。
If the Add option does not appear when you right click an item, then move your cursor up one level in the class tree and try again. 如果右击某项时没有出现“添加”选项,则将光标在类树中上移一级然后重试。
Cursor key ( up, down, leave, right ) - control movement of the camera Cursorkeys(上、下、左、右)-控制摄像机的运动
Then, with the cursor blinking before us, he pressed the backspace key, keeping it pinned until there were no more letters for the cursor to gobble up. 然后,随着光标在屏幕上闪动,他按下了删除键,直到患者名字里的每一个字母在搜索栏被清除得干干净净。